This is a list of each of the stones and their basic properties.
Agate- Healing, Protection, Divination, digestion, soothing, Gardening, Setting boundaries
Amber- Courage, honesty, Protection, memory, store energy, healing, increase wealth
Amethyst- Calming, awareness, protection, fortunetelling, prevent drunkeness, heighten intuition, healing
Beryl- Healing, Hope, happiness, marital bliss, divination, lucid dreaming, finding love, motivation
Bloodstone- healing, seeing the truth, circulation, boost libido, calming, motivation
Carnelian- protection, spirituality, happiness, wisdom, astral travel, boost health, enhancing fertility, boost libido, overcome shyness
Citrine Quartz- avoid trouble, healing, eliminate toxins, psychic awareness
Colored quartz- Red for energy, green for gravity, blue for travelling, orange for intimacy
Clear quartz- cleansing, healing, energizing, psychic connections, collects negative energy
Diamond- protection, healing, dreaming, headaches, purification, stores energy
Emerald- psychic powers, purity, imortality, good fortune, truth, eye strain, aid pregnancy, migraines
Fluorite- clarity, meditation, balance, insomnia, energy recharge
Garnet- Healing, illumination, travelling, success, relieve PMS, energizing
Hematite- Healing, stone of law, blood tonic, stabilizing, courage
Jade- kidney problems, divine liquor, wealth, love
Jasper- healing, brings rain, grounding, dry skin, confidence, protection, digestion
Jet- protection, deflect negativity, travelling, back pain, psychic powers
Labradorite- protection, strength, magical growth, dreams
Lapis Lazuli- eye strain, ease pregnancy, shyness, relaxation
Malachite- Healing, emotional blocks, insomnia, menstrual problems, psychic powers
Moonstone- Moonraking, psychic powers, gardening, water retention
Mother of Pearl- relationships, protection, attract friends, skin care
Obsidian- scrying, anti-pollutant, protection, healing
Black Onyx- protection, overcome apathy, dispel sadness, soothing, repel negativity
Opal- luck, confidence, protection, vitality
Pearl- Purity, truth, love, wealth, release the past
Peridot- Purity, protection, sensitivity
Pyrite- protection, blood purifier, prosperity
Rhodonite- Health, astral travel, new love, energizing, happiness
Rose quartz- Sweet dreams, broken heart, confidence
Ruby- Love, beauty, fidelity, protection, success, nightmares, sexual blockages
Sapphire- Panic attacks, psychic work, self discipline, eye strain
Sardonyx- nightmares, anxiety, beauty, shyness
Snakestone- protection, bad habits, memory, sexuality, travelling
Sodalite- Clear vision, heart and mind, friendship, sensitivity
Tiger's eye- protection, healing, eye problems, prosperity
Topaz- protection, stress, calm, giving up vices, lucid dreaming
Tourmaline- Dreams, protection, dispel distress, psychic energy
Turquoise- Luck, sore throat, stress, gifts
Zircon- Decisions, chakras, new energy, dreams