Sunday, January 8, 2012

2012 - Its Here and its Real

I have read books, listened to Podcast, viewed numerous You Tube Videos, researched at the library and enjoyed every minute regarding 2012.

Are your really aware we are sitting on Mother Earth? Are you really aware everyday that she is alive? And her heart is burning in the core of earth? Or do you just get up every morning, moan, groan, have your coffee, get dressed, maybe argue with your loved ones and go about your day and repeat it over and over again?

People are ignorant, shrug their shoulders and come up with their own theory formed by their ego and continue to debate with me about 2012.
Knowledge is power, not something you just make up and have an opinion about, open your mouth and blurt out with big words... Yes I will nod at you, smile and pretend to agree.. but it does not work....

2012 is a massive year for personal and global transformation.

Why are so many challenged by crumbling systems at this time on Earth? The effects of these changes are already moving through our world and will play out now in this pivotal year.

The forthcoming and current massive shifts in consciousness are:

•The appreciation of healers and birth of powerful new modalities in that arena as a symbol of self-healing becoming finally valued within the majority

•Evolutions in communication

•Individual and governmental responsibility where leadership is concerned
•Planetary changes

•The Redistribution and balancing of wealth and earning potential for the majority in the more immediate future

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