Sunday, April 29, 2012

Todays Card is.....?

This morning I pulled the " EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY" card from DOREEN VIRTUES fantastic deck "ANGEL THERAPY ORACLE CARDS"

Honour and respect your deep sensitivity, as it is a gift to us all!

Have you been teased, or felt bad, about the fact that you’re extremely sensitive? If so, this card is the Angels’ reassurance of the positive qualities within your gift of sensitivity. For example, you accurately know whether or not a new acquaintance is trustworthy. The Angels are working with you to trust this feeling more often and not berate yourself if you’ve disallowed your intuition in the past.

You are peaceful by nature, so you naturally avoid conflict and other harsh energies. Ask your Angels to steer you toward other peace-loving people and keep all others away from you.

Honour your sensitivity by surrounding yourself with gentleness in your relationships, media choices, home life and work situation.

This deck of Angel Cards are wonderful and a joy to use too!

Have a Magical Day everyone!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Then, there's the Crystal Children

Then, there’s the Crystal Children.
My curiosity got the better of me and I aske Doreen Virtue a question about my 5 year old daughter Kobi. Kobi has so much passion and love inside of her every single day that I was starting to think it wasn't normal. How many times can someone say I love you so much in a day? Over 50 times a day I can hear this from her all in different ways. The hugs the apologies she gives me are the same that should be coming from an adult, not a 5 year old. She is very philosophical, I have no problems with her, and her relationship with the earth and the elderly just blows my mind away. And CUDDLES AND HUGS!!! Always always nearly every step I take she is there cuddling me, my leg or when I sit down for a cuppa tea, there she is hugging me then running off.

Doreen proceeded to tell me she is a Crystal Child:

The first thing that most people notice about them is their eyes—large, penetrating and wise beyond their years. The Crystal Children’s eyes lock on and hypnotize you, while you realize your soul is being laid bare for these children to see. Perhaps you've noticed this special new "breed" of children rapidly populating our planet. They are happy, delightful and forgiving. This generation of new lightworkers, roughly ages 0 through 7, are like no previous generation. Ideal in many ways, Crystal Children are the pointers for where humanity is headed . . . and it's a good direction! Crystal Children are quite the opposite. They’re among the most connected, communicative, caring and cuddly of any generation.

They are also quite philosophical and spiritually gifted. And they display an unprecedented level of kindness and sensitivity to this world. Crystal Children spontaneously hug and care for people in need.

Whenever I met them, I found myself falling in love with each young Crystal Child. Their hearts were as open and loving as any angel with whom I'd interacted. I found them unguarded and unpretentious. I'd go to sleep thinking about these children, and wake up with volumes of information given to me by the spirit world (or perhaps by the Crystal Children themselves) while I slept. Each morning, I'd wake up knowing more about the Crystal Children than I'd previously known the evening before! I began lecturing about the Crystal Children and found my audiences very receptive. Many of them were parents, grandparents, or teachers of these special youngsters. They instantly recognized their child's characteristics as I described them.

Just like humans have evolved from ape-like postures, the Crystal Children are concrete evidence that we're progressing in evolution. Secondly, I found crystal clear patterns among each survey respondent. I read dozens of similar stories about the Crystals and their relationships to animals, plants, rocks and the elderly, for instance. I poured over many stories with eerily similar accounts about children telepathically communicating with their parents . . . while eschewing verbal communication.

Most parents reported a happy relationship with their Crystal Child marked with very few problems. I heard from parents and grandparents around the globe as they described their Crystal as "an angel," "the love of my life," "a true joy," and so on. I noticed that not only were the Crystal Children highly spiritually sensitive, but so were their parents. The souls of Crystal Children were obviously selecting parents who could raise them in a spiritually nurturing environment. Occasionally, I met children who came through parents who were spiritually unaware. In these cases, their grandparents were highly evolved lightworkers who helped to protect and hone the child's spiritual knowledge and gifts. Most people told me that their Crystal Child was a profound spiritual teacher, who taught parents a great deal about being an exceptionally loving and kind person.

I and wouldn't want her any other way.