Thursday, May 24, 2012

Keeping Your Energy Clear Of Others; Self Defense For Empaths

As am empath you have to be aware of what kind of energy you are taking on at all times. Unfortunately, when it comes to energy and our ability to absorb it, there really is not what is known as a safe place.

There are a couple of effective techniques that can make the outside world a much easier place to endure as an empath. The main objective for an empath is to remain only in their own energy and avoid taking on what others are putting out there for the world.

Crowds can be very difficult for me and I often found myself living like a recluse because I didn’t like the way I felt when I went into the outside world. Interaction with others felt overwhelming, often left me tired, and drained after only a few minutes. Upon discovering that I was an empath, I went in search of how to “turn it off”. I can’t say that I have found a way to turn it off but I have found two very effective ways of making life a great deal easier on myself and I can even go out with friends and have dinner now without feeling as if I have been run over by a truck.

Pulling Your Energy Back To Yourself

Just as other go around pouring their energy wherever they go; so do empaths. As it reaches out to others around us, it picks up all of their emotions and physical ailments returning them to the empath who then carries them around unaware that they have a headache because the woman in the grocery store line behind them had a headache.

Before entering a crowd or if you are like me, before encountering others in general, take a moment and pull your energy back to yourself. Sounds complicated but it is amazingly easy and fast.

Take a deep breath in and let it out. Now, simply list five undisputable facts about yourself such as the color of your eyes, how many pets you have, maybe you adore chocolate (this is always on my list). It doesn’t matter what you list just as long as these are facts that nobody can dispute, most of all, your rational mind when you doubt what you say. You don’t have to say it aloud, you just have to focus on you and your energy comes back to you. If you find while going through the grocery store that you are feeling on edge or the energy just feels off, do this exercise again until you feel only yourself and not the man across the aisle that is glaring at the cans of tomato soup.

One you list your facts take two or three more deep breaths and you will notice your body feels more at ease. Just as we are most comfortable in our own skin, we are also most comfortable in our own energy.

Because most of us, myself included, are not always alert and we do let our guard down, does not mean that we have to remain stuck with that energy. Every empath should know how to clear their energy and should do so at least once a day if not twice.

Long Version Clearing

If you are familiar with chakras this is my favorite exercise for clearing as it seems to get all the garbage out of my energy. I never go to bed without doing this, I find I sleep deeper and more peaceful when I do this and I also, find that I wake up in the morning feeling good instead of wanting to hide under the covers for the entire day.

Take a deep breath in and out before and after each step:

Visual a tube attached to your root chakra, before you begin clearing it will be full of light, now visualize the other end of this tube going deep into the center of the earth.

Allow your chakra to open up and begin pouring out all energy that is not yours and is not serving your highest good. I often see this negative energy come out looking a bit like sludge but visual this low energy coming out in any way that feels right to you. Watch it all come out in your mind’s eye and only stop when nothing but light is pouring through that tube again.

Continue up each chakra as described above until all run clear. The first few times you do this, it will take you quite some time (average first time is about fifteen to twenty minutes) but the more you do this, the less time it will take you. I am known to be standing in line to get a cup of coffee and do this when the crowd gets a little crazy.

One last deep breath and feel how much more at ease both your body and mind feel.

Short Version Clearing

If you are not familiar with chakras then use this method. While in the shower, let the water run over your body, as the water runs over you, visualize it washing off all of the negative energy from the day and sending it down the drain. Focus on your body and allowing your body to let go of anything that is not your own energy and anything that is not serving your highest good. End with a couple of deep breaths.

These simple steps can make life not only easier to get through each day but you will find yourself feeling physically and emotionally better the more you use these tools to get rid of outside energy.

An empath does not and should not become a recluse; instead learn some basic steps to set energetic boundaries and keep your energy clear of hitchhikers.