Friday, May 25, 2012

Which Stones to use for Abundance and Prosperity

Which Stones To Use For Abundance And Prosperity

To achieve your purpose, you may use healing crystals of different colors. These specific colors have specific vibrations, and depending on the color, the vibration will have a different effect on various parts of the body.  Simply choose a crystal ... the chakra stone that responds to the concept you most desire. Please follow the links below to each page...and learn how the chakra stones can assist your health. These concepts and the responding chakras are:




Concept You Are Manifesting

Soul Star Chakra


Letting Go
Allowing Divine Light to fill your life

Crown Chakra


Being spiritual
Manifesting Divine guidance

Third Eye Chakra


Being Intuitive
Unlocking Your Imagination
Manifesting Clairvoyance and Psychic Gifts

Throat Chakra


Being communicative and listening well
Manifesting Clairaudience and
Aiding Psychic Communication

Thymus or Higher Heart Chakra


Divine Love Compassion and Forgiveness
Releasing fear, Creating a connection between your soul body and physical body.

Heart Chakra


Being loving
Attracting and bringing love into your life

Solar Plexus Chakra


Being centered and consciously creative
Manifesting Money

Sacral Chakra


Being emotionally creative
Enhancing Creativity on all levels
Manifesting Clairsentience

Base Chakra


Being organized
Manifesting change
in a grounded and practical way

Earth Star Chakra


Being Grounded
Spiritual Grounding and
Anchoring Your Physical Body

Each of the above chakras have different stones that will work best on that chakra