Thursday, April 11, 2013

Veggie Pulp Crackers – Baked in Oven

Veggie Pulp Crackers – Baked in Oven

Two days ago I did 2 days’ worth of juicing which included: carrots, apples, ginger, cucumber, celery, Kale tomatoes, capsicum, parsley, sweet potato......There was a lot. You may only have 3 items? ... I'm just letting you know what was in mine this time.  Please note, I did pick out the big bits like the beetroot skin as I don’t peel when I juice.

2 cups veggie pulp
1 cup LSA 
2 Tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
A big squirt of lemon juice

My secret in this was a couple of handfuls of DUKKAH! I looked at this and knew I needed some spicing up… anyone who really knows me, will understand that I would have to have some spice to it!

Have some fun with this! Add what YOU think will ticking your taste-buds as your taste-buds are what comes first. As long as IT’S CLEAN.

And any dried herbs you have sitting in your cupboard. 

I played with this first... 30 minutes@ 170 degrees then 15 minutes @150 degrees.  Then again my oven is so old and unreliable.  Please go by your own instinct and just keep checking.

Most of all HAVE FUN!

To start

I loved some Dukkah as I LOVE spice

Spread out thin

I cut it into a square to make it pretty ...

Baked tor 30 minutes, taken out put some glad paper on it and turned it upside down

Once turned upside down, I put it back in oven for 15 minutes at 150 degrees

The finished product - you must remember everyone has a different oven, I was for ever checking on this so not to burn it!  The only bits burnt are the corners... but yummy and crispy.

The finished product!  I could have made this all so professional and really flash pictures as most of you know me I could!  BUT, I am realistic with this and what you see is what you get!
Finish these off with hummus, a Greek yogurt dill based dip, or anything that tickles your taste-buds!

Remember HAVE FUN!

My daily moisturizer, lives in my bathroom

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Are you feeding these meats to your children?

Are you feeding these meats to your children?

If you buy processed food, there is very high likelihood that there are cancer-causing ingredients in it.

Do you eat any of the following processed meats?
Hot dogs
Deli meats, like chicken, turkey, roast beef

The incidence of childhood cancer is on the rise. Even if your children don't get cancer while they're young, feeding them food with cancer-causing ingredients in them now can increase their chances of getting cancer at some later time in their life

Most processed meats, unless you buy organic and nitrite-free, contain nitrates or nitrites. As stated in the bullet above, these are chemicals that are classified as probable carcinogens by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). They probably cause cancer.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Clean Eating Taco Night!

Sleep over in the lounge room.

Kobi Loving my healthy egg bacon muffin

#cleaneating home made

What is The Eat-Clean Diet®? - The Eat-Clean Diet®

Eating Clean is treating your body right.
It is eating the way nature intended. You eat the foods our bodies evolved to function best on, and that makes you feel – and look – fantastic. When you Eat Clean you eat more often. You will eat lean protein, complex carbs, and healthy fats. These practices keep your blood-sugar levels stable and keep you satisfied. The best part is that if you need to lose weight it will happen almost without you having to try. And yes, you can have a treat now and again.
Best of all, Eating Clean keeps you feeling great and full of energy. In fact, you can forget all about the days when “dieting” meant feelings of hunger, lethargy or deprivation.
Eating Clean is not a fad; it’s a way of life.When you Eat Clean your body will react by losing weight if you need to lose, maintaining a healthy weight if that’s where you are, and even gaining weight if you are too skinny. But regardless of whether you want to lose, maintain or gain, you will feel better than you ever have before.
Never worry about counting calories again. You will never have to diet. Eating Clean will keep you lean and healthy for the rest of your long life. Eating Clean guarantees results!

Kobi making Clean Eating Muffins

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Long Time No See?

Well, I've been a little bit lazy on the typing side of things as I've been Selfish and focusing on myself exercising, and clean eating.

These things just don't happen overnight! It takes time and a lot of energy must go into these things!

Today being the 23rd of February sees myself at work, at the hospital and its such a lovely fantastic day to be alive!  The sun is shinning the sky is deep blue, (well from where I am sitting at the present moment), I have a wonderful network of support from my friends and what more can I say?  The most caring daughter in the world who at 5, shows so much love and beauty beyond her age!

Today just be kind to everyone.  Its a choice, so choose to be kind and lovable.


PS: Me at work today!


Thursday, January 10, 2013

Thursday 10th January 2013

So yesterday I was at work and along the way at work I do my exercises, mainly big stretches all the time. My team are pretty use to me now doing this that they don't even look twice!

My eating habits in the afternoon saw me really hungry for some reason...

Meal 1:
oats, yoghurt, coconut flakes, flaxseed oil,

Meal 2:
Salad & chicken size of hand, lentils, beans, sprouts

Meal 4:
3x Rice Cakes, cottage cheese and tuna on top
1 cup of a shake with blueberries mix, cottage cheese and peanut butter

Meal 5:
So proud of myself, I actually got into my car and went down town (2 minutes away only) and bought a piece of fish from the 'Captain Hooks' in Tugun, Fish market/shop.

So had that piece of fish on its own. Beacuse I was so hungry at 4pm. upbove I ate big

Meal 6:
Again some oats, yoghurt, coconut flakes, flaxseed oil,
just to fill the hole in my tummy

At about 6pm that was it! It was like I was hit by a truck and so so tired! Even now at 7.40am as I type this I am so wiped out and tired!!! Its all a struggle, but Im sure it will pass.....

Wednesdsay 9th January 2013

Ok, so yesterday I started my day by cleaning the house from 6am to around 8am, washing, vacumming, mopping, and there was my exercise before I started breakfast! So hot too!

Meal 1:
1 piece sourghdough toast
seeded mustard
2 poached eggs

Meal 2:
Oats, Yoghurt, coconut, Flaxseed oil, some "Robs Pure Life Seeds" from coles

Meal 3:
Green Smoothie - bunch of spinach leaves, water and 1x bananna
1x Tuna Sushi

Meal 4:
3x multigrain Rice Crackers with cottage cheese and Peanut Butter

Meal 5:
Palm sized grilled chicken with garlic, hand sized lentil and broadbeans, sprouts, 1/2 cup brown rice

Drank 2 litres of water, 1 x black coffee

Exercise: Cleaning the house and during the day I was doing bits and pieces of this and that while I was home with my 5 year old. It was my day off yesterday.

Have a Magical Day everyone!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Tuesday 8th January 2013

Ok, so yesterday was great! I stuck mainly to the Nutrition Guidlines:

Meal 1:
1/3 cup porridge
1 hard boiled egg

Meal 2:
2 x Rivitas
Tin Tuna

Meal 3:
Palm sized chicken
Lentils & chickpeas
Lettuce and cucumber
Morrocan spices
Lemon jucie

Meal 4: (As I was at work no meal here. But I snuck in a hard boiled egg)

Meal 5:
Palm sized chicken
cup full of vegetables
2x rice cakes plain

Now, I drank up to 3 litres of water also.

There was downfall - I came home around 8pm... feeling fine, went to bed read a book, but at 11pm OMG!!! A sudden urg for sweetness hit me, I practically slept walked to the fridge and found some christmas Toblerone my partner had, went out side under the star and ate two little blocks of it, and went back to bed!

Out of character for me as I am not a chocolate person! Lets see what happens tonight! Lol Lol.....

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Now or never

Ok, I'm going to let you in and to follow my journey during the next 3 months as i bite the bullet and get fit... No more talking about it or thinking, i have a beautiful daughter and partner and having a very sad, confused sister who hates me when all i want to do is  share the lo've is all the motivation i need! Stay tuned...